Saturday, May 11, 2013


These are the Coconut Lime Cupcakes I made for our neighbors Cinco de Mayo party.  Technically, it's Once de Mayo, but that's beside the point!  I cut a lime into LITTLE pieces to use as a garnish.  They turned out really cute!

Monday, May 6, 2013


Can you see the LIGHT breaking through the clouds?  I love when the clouds are so big and then a burst of light breaks through and shines down on us.  I believe that when that happens, it's a sign from the Lord that he is watching over me and is with me.  It's very comforting.  


I was caught LAUGHING at CrossFit TPA during the 5K Gone Bad we recently hosted.  I was a "judge" at the event and was going over some strategies with one of the competitors who happens to be one of my favorite people to WOD with!  I'm laughing because I truly have no business strategizing with anyone!!!  It was a funny moment.  I am not a CrossFit judge....I just play one on TV!  


Philadelphia is the City of Brotherly LOVE.  I ran a marathon there and loved it.  In light of the recent cancellation of the Pittsburgh Rock and Roll Half Marathon, I am considering running this one instead.  It's a very cool city, it's relatively flat, it's filled with a lot of history and it has the museum where Rocky runs up those infamous steps!!!